More Carnevale di Venezia!

Okay, so I'm experimenting with the 'look' of my blog. I want to make it look good, with lots of juicy pictures like I see in other blogs like Happy Little Cottage and Wool Wench. Just looking at those blogs lifts my spirits, and that's how I would like mine to be. Please comment on my experiments and let me know how I'm doing. It's hard to be objective about one's own work :P

The performers...

... the wigs...

... normal Venetian life...

... the influx of revellers.


... Papa...

... and la Piccolina, always the most popular with the papparazzi!

Goodbye Carnival, until next year!

P.S. I didn't make the costumes in these pictures - in fact, some of them were made by my friend Nicoletta Lucerna at La Bottega del Costume in Venice :)


  1. Oooh! You go to the Venetian Carnival? That is so cool!

    1. It's well worth going to if you get the chance. There's so much going on. The weekends are totally packed with people, though, so it can be nicer to go during the week.

  2. Wow that wig is amazing!! What a work of art :) This lifted my spirits anyway!

  3. I love how you are incorporating visually appealing images into your blog.


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